
Well Christmas has come and gone. No major pressies for the shed, so I’ll have to organise it better for my birthday. Spent Wednesday readying some blanks to turn for pens, perfume pens and styluses. That should keep me busy for the next few days. I’ll put up some pictures in the next few days.

Just getting a few things ready for the Lady Denman Markets on 3 Jan. It’s a craft market so maybe I’ll have a bit of luck selling some stuff to help pay for this hobby.

2 thoughts on “Christmas

  1. Ben December 26, 2014 / 3:37 pm

    “Pay for the hobby”…? You mean that’s actually possible. I have a couple thousand dollars worth of miniatures and paints lying about; I wonder if I could get anyone to pay me for that too… šŸ™‚ On a serious not though; the pens come up a treat. The woods are beautiful.


  2. simonswoodstuff December 26, 2014 / 4:17 pm

    When I say “Pay for the hobby” I really mean give me some more money to spend on it.


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